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Thursday, 13 September 2012

Logical operators workshop

Logical && and logical || 
logical && : If all are true then only true otherwise false.
logical || : if any one is true then it is true otherwise false.
Program on logical operators 
 A company insures its drivers in the following cases:
− If the driver is married.
− If the driver is unmarried, male & above 30 years of age.
− If the driver is unmarried, female & above 25 years of age.
In all other cases the driver is not insured. If the marital status, sex and age of the driver are
the inputs, write a program to determine whether the driver is to be insured or not. 
int main()
  int age;                                                                    
  char sex, married;                                                                   
  printf(“Is the driver married? y/n “);
   scanf(“%c”, &married);
  printf("Enter the AGE and SEX of the Driver \n");                           
  scanf("%d %c", &age, &sex);                                                 
  if((married==‘y’’)||(married==‘n’ && age>30 && sex=='m')||(married==‘n’ || age>25 && sex=='f'))
  printf("Insurance can be carried out \n");                                   
  printf("Insurance can not be carried out \n");                               
  return 0;                                                                   